Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thank God for unanswered prayers

No, I'm not singing country songs this morning!

I am, however, processing last night's business meeting.  Now when a pastor is "processing" a business meeting it can mean he's re-playing, parsing comments, and maybe just stewing over things.  But this morning I have a smile on my face and a glad spot in my heart!

As Trey left last spring we went through a process of discernment to figure-out how to handle ministry leadership.  Our Personnel Committee ably guided us through times of congregational conversation, information assimilation, and focused prayer.  The process led us to a search for a full-time Minister of Music and Education and a part-time Minister of Youth.

The respective search committees prayed, processed resumes, prayed, interviewed candidates, and prayed some more.  Along the way we discovered that matching job description, minister, and our church wasn't working-out as we had planned.  God provided another plan.

We shifted our youth minister search to a full-time position involving expanded responsibilities with college-aged young adults and outreach.  I cannot convey how excited I am that God has led Chris Robertson to join our ministry team and provide leadership in these areas!  God did answer our prayers- just not in the way we anticipated.

Last night we affirmed Jonnia Smith to serve as our Minister of Music on a part-time, interim basis.  After looking all over the country we found the right minister here at home.  Again, God did answer our prayers- just not in the way we anticipated.

As I "process" last night's meeting I am ever more confident that God will lead us faithfully into the future.  And I am thanking God for unanswered prayers.

1 comment:

  1. This concept is very appropriate for us as we look ahead at our continued transition. God has a funny way with things sometime....
