Monday, August 1, 2011

Weddings as Family Events

I know it seems obvious to say that weddings are family events. Saturday's wedding of John Todd and Kristina McDougall reminded me of just how big families can be!

It was great to meet members of John's family- Connecticut Yankees who wouldn't miss the opportunity to show John their love and support.

Over the years we have had opportunity to meet several members of Kristina's family- her parents, Ken and Carleen, worship with us while not in Brazil and her sisters have joined us for special events along the way. Most of Kristina's extended family are involved in missions and ministry and many partners in those ministries shared in the celebration.

The "family" grew, though, as I watched our church family in action. John, Kristina, and Alexa are part of us and the Towne View family shared generously in helping make the day special. We could all leave with the sense of love, excitement, and pride for this new family- part of our family!

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